Sunday 30 September 2007

Mrazon - and proud of it!

My citizens, it is time you showed your faith! I am not asking anything crazy of you, but simply you must just remember to print your badge! With it, you prove that you are a true Mrazonnian, and proud of it! So, while you watch time slide past, show that you are a true subject of the Mrazon Republic!

Friday 21 September 2007

Coat of Arms

My people, you need a symbol. The flag nearly fits the bill, but it lacks something. It lacks that traditional sense that a coat of arms has. Well my people, now you have one! This is the Mrazon Republic coat of arms.

And always remember - Sumo vestri domus, super vestri vita!

Friday 14 September 2007

Ancient History

In a recently unearthed document, the archeology team at the Mrazon Institute of Science and Technology has discovered the ancient history of our country. In this documents the last king of Mrazonnia recorded his dwindling country and although it hasn't been fully translated, we have gathered the ancient anglo-saxon of Mrazonnia from ancient legend to a small kingdom destroyed by the Vikings in 865. This lost land, only rebuilt last year with the Mrazon Empire, has formed the most prosperous country for hundreds of years, not since the last stand of Mrazonnia. In the words of Arthur the Great, 'We maye lose this battel, but the lande of Mrazon will liv forever!'

This map is of the Anglo-saxon lands in England in 862, shortly before the Viking invasion.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Mrazon Money

As for your pay, you don't get any. The Mrazon Republic does not pay scroungers! If any of you want this money, you'll have to deserve it! Seriously though, this great Republic cannot survive by giving money away. However, I can show you it...

This is soon to become one of the world's most important currencies, so trade in your pounds before they are worthless!

Lord Mrazon's home page

For you, my faithful citizens, I have created a website that gives you the inside info on your premier. If you can, just for a minute, leave this most excellent page and go to, you can see the face behind you country!

Monday 3 September 2007

The G500

And so, on the offically remembered Toshiba G500 Day of the 13th of August, my brand new Toshiba G500 arrived. This magnificent device has taken the place of the technological device of the Mrazon Republic. The sheer number of functions on this device has blown me away. I have had nothing like my new device for such a long time. With functions enough to dissuade me from more expensive, supposedly better devices, this will be the symbol of Mrazon technology for years to come.

My device along with the teleport program on my PC.